Book Signing

Book Signing
San Antonio

Friday, September 2, 2016


Wow!  Need a gift for that special friend or loved one?  Purchase a book for you and one for them from your local book store, on-line or directly from me.  It is now available personally GET ”Celubrious”  autographed with free delivery one paperback and one hardback for only $25.00 by calling me ASAP at 330-718-6654 as operators are standing by.

“I have discovered I always have choices and sometimes it’s only a
choice of attitude.”
--Judith M. Knowlton

You were born unique with an individual mind, character and spirit, but they were not your choices. As you grew older you were influenced by those who made choices for you and in some cases wanted to make you their clone. When you feel or believe that your life is being manipulated and that you have no control over it, guess what? You don’t! Your negative attitude has limited your ability to make choices wisely.  However, with the correct attitude correct choices become easier.  You can’t always control the situation but you can choose how you react to it with the correct attitude. When you find yourself in the company of thoughtless individuals, trying to manipulate everyone remember “Correct attitude leads to correct choices.”  You always have choices and in reality you are free to alter who you are, what you believe, and what you see as your purpose in life with your choice of attitude. Consciously cultivating positive attitudes, such as love, joy, and gratitude will help to “Remake” the world around you. You will literally live in a different place because your attitude about it has changed.

Random Reflections

·      Take control of your life; choose to have a positive attitude.
·         As long as you believe that you are free to make choices and you choose a positive attitude, you are safe.
·         Wake up - decide to have a good day. “Today is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice & be glad in it." Psalms 118:24
Don’t be like Dilbert who says, “My reality check just bounced!”

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