Book Signing

Book Signing
San Antonio

Friday, February 28, 2014


"Celubrious" a  celebration of life ---  Feb special $14.00, signed and no 330-718-6654
 “Man has no choice but to love.  For when he does not, he finds his alternatives
 lie in loneliness, destruction and despair.” 
--Leo Buscaglia

The gift of love, how great it is! But to have such a wonderful blessing and not share is not only sad, but it is a sin.  You never lose anything by sharing it, for nothing is ever solely yours to start with and in fact love acquires true meaning only as it's shared. When you freely share love and commitment you cannot feel lonely, destructive or be in despair. What good fortune to be blessed with the gift of love and have an eternal source of love that can never run out. This morning I was thinking about that special someone I really care for who shares her love with me daily and when she does, instantly a great big smile comes over my face.  When she shares her affection, she is none the less for it and yet her cheerful and loving attitude is immediately with me! And guess what? Each day becomes another great day. As my forever friend does, I hope you too share your love with yours and bring a smile to that special someone in your life. Ask yourself this, do I have that exceptional person in my life? And am I truly sharing my love with them? I hope your answer is yes to both because as Leo Buscaglia (The love doctor) states, “love can be likened to a mirror, when you love another, you become his mirror and he becomes yours…And in reflecting each other’s love the world can see it shine.”  

Thoughts to Ponder 

·       Love is always open arms. If you close your arms about love you will find that you are left holding only yourself.
·        Stars do not struggle to shine, rivers do not struggle to flow, and you will never struggle to excel in life when you share your love.
·       It's easy to pay lip service but the truest measure of your commitment to love lies in your actions.
·       Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time... It tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Will we ever know?


“There is an innocence that conspires to hold humanity together, and it is made up of people who can never full know the good they have done”
Tracy Kidder

 GMaw with His Soccer NO# 5



Has someone affected your life in a positive and constructive way? Are you a positive influence on others or do you influence others without even realizing it? You probably have! A flower does not know what becomes of its odor and you cannot tell what becomes of the influence and example you give that emits from you and goes beyond your view. If you think about it for a moment the power of loving and kindness can be one of the most powerful influences available to you. Kind words do not hurt the tongue and what you say today may not bear fruit until tomorrow. Nothing is as strong as your love, nothing as gentle as real strength and everyone knows that a gentleman is a “gentle person.” Your influence on another may never be known to you (good or bad) but when you are trying to be helpful remember; speaking out sometimes causes harm but sometimes silence may cause more harm. It has been said, "No insult ever caused so deep a wound as a tenderness expected and withheld; and no spoken indiscretion was ever so bitterly regretted as the word that one did not speak.”     

Thoughts to Ponder 

·       Kindness is a language the dumb can speak and the deaf understand. 
·       If you confer a benefit, never remember it. If you receive one, never forget it.
·       A good manner springs from a good heart, and fine manners are the outcome of unselfish kindness.
·       If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.

Friday, February 14, 2014

“Celubrious” a celebration of life the 2nd Edition, a gift for a friend that keeps on giving.
 $15.00 - autographed with free shipping – Call me  330-718-6654

Recent reader comment

A recent comment from a reader of the 2nd edition of my Book "Celubrious" a celebration of life by Dennis Martin.

Your book is wonderful,amazes me that anyone could have such a great attitude all the way through a book.  I guess I strive for that balance in my life but have yet to attain it.  Particularlly like the one that says"if you had no purpose, God would have called you home."  Just the reminder I needed this week. Again, thank you for giving me a real lift .