Book Signing

Book Signing
San Antonio

Friday, December 10, 2010

New page for next book

“Words; like angels, are powers which have invisible
power over us.  They are personal presence’s which have whole mythologies, and their own guarding, blaspheming, creating, and annihilating effects.”   --James Hillman

The Bible, Psalms, 141:3 says, “Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord, keep watch over the door of my lips.” Being discrete is always desirable but it’s your choice in allowing your words to be love angels or spiteful devils that blaspheme. Remember, good debating and verbal abilities are worthless unless you have the ability to control them. Bruises and broken bones heal in a short time whereas feelings, emotions and self-esteem can be devastating and take years even a lifetime to heal. Learn to be flexible because the doors to love are marked with “Push” and “Pull.”  Let your words be like angels as it is always better to lose your pride to a friend or lover, than to lose a friend or the one you love because of pride. 

Random Reflections

·       A closed mouth gathers no feet.
·       Hebrews 13:2 “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
·       We are like angels with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another.
·       Gratitude is our most direct line to God and the angels.  If we take the time, no matter how crazy and troubled we feel, we can find something to be thankful for.
Need a gift for that special friend or loved one?  Purchase a book for you and one for them from your local book store, on-line or directly from me.  It is now available personally autographed with free delivery for only $15.00 by calling me ASAP at 330-718-6654 as operators are standing by.

Monday, September 27, 2010

New page for next book

“The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in
the common.”
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Someone once told me that to acquire knowledge you must study; but to acquire wisdom, you must be observant.  You just don’t receive wisdom; you must discover it for yourself with a journey that no one else can take for you. Look at the sunset tonight or the sunrise tomorrow and see its uniqueness. Has there ever been one exactly like the one you see now? I doubt it. Closely observe the sky; clouds, trees, flowers, plants and view the horizon as well as your city skyline.  They never appear the same twice because everything around you is in the process of growing or dying. So here are some hints in gaining that mark of wisdom in your life. Start each day not as another boring drudgery, but rather as an opportunity to observe, learn, grow and be happy.   Embrace life’s simple pleasures with all of its mystery and majesty. Teach yourself to be exuberant, joy-filled, to be grateful and to appreciate all the abundance of the blessings you have been given. Giving thanks to your Maker is the most important key to gaining insight and wisdom. Thank your Lord for your many blessings and the opportunity to live out another beautiful day!

Random Reflections

·       Practice emptying your mind of all unhealthy attitudes.
·       It is not white hair that engenders wisdom.
·       Wisdom doesn’t automatically come with old age. Nothing does – except wrinkles.
·       The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.  “William Shakespeare”
CELUBRIOUS” a celebration of life can be read one or two pages per day or once a week. The messages provide readers daily motivation and inspiration to learn from past and present experiences and recognize that every day can be the best day of a reader’s life. The book is a great read and makes for a wonderful gift idea.  It is now available personally autographed with free delivery for only $15.00 by calling me ASAP at 330-718-6654 as operators are standing by.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Grand Parents week a poem from Pa Pa Den Mr. C


How sad I would be
If a grandparent I had not a chance to be
How dull my life would be
If all of you were not near and dear to me

How sad it would be
Had I not the chance to see
The little ones grow up and be
So very much like family, especially Maw and me.

Through thick and thin
The good times, sad times, the happy and glad times
Were you not there how sad I would have been

From sunrise to sunset through sunshine and rain
Growing old would have been so very mundane
With out your love I probably would have gone insane.

For your appearance I will anticipate
As I will wait near heavens gate
The Lord has a mansion for all of us to be
United as one big happy family
PaPa Den

page for next book what do you think?

“Be a good listener, your ears will never get you in trouble.”
--Frank Tyger

Do you hear the words of a conversation but do not hear the message?  Not listening effectively can and is the downfall of many a good relationship. Being silent and listening falls into the highest form of respect and love and listening closely and replying well is the highest perfection in communication. Don’t be accused of not respecting, not listening, or not sharing with your loved ones. Hearing what is really said gains information and insight and then caring and really showing empathy helps you understand their feelings. When you act on the needs of others it shows a measure of your respect and when you genuinely listen it says, “You are important! You are of great value!”  Remember, love and respect begins with listening so stay tuned in and keep the volume on high.

Random Reflections

·       Listen and love the moment and the energy of the moment will spread beyond all boundaries.
·       As I get older, I’ve learned to listen to people rather than accuse them of things.
·       A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while they get to know something.
·       Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “It is the province of knowledge to speak and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.”

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mr. Celubrious: New page for next book

Mr. Celubrious: New page for next book: "“I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time.” Anna Freund Ofte..."

New page for next book

“I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time.”

Anna Freund

Often we don’t realize who we were meant to be because we’re so busy trying to live out someone else’s ideas of what we should be. It’s important to realize that other people and their opinions hold no real power in defining our destiny unless we allow it. When you don’t believe in yourself and yield to outside opinions you loose your self-confidence. To regain lost self-confidence you need to recognize the assets, strengths and abilities your creator has given you. If you don’t follow your inner guidance, you will feel a loss of energy and loss of power and a loss of self esteem. Did you know that of the 4.5 billion people alive on this planet there is no one just like you? There is only one you, why in the world would you want to be like someone else or what someone wants you to be? Fix your thoughts on the fact that He made you unique and, as the little boy once said, “He don’t make no junk.” I once read “If I spend all my time being someone else, who is going to spend time being me?” From the beginning of time until eternity there never has been and never will be another person like you. This makes you incredibly unique! So, armed with this knowledge and new confidence in your special blessings you can stop the fatal practice of comparing yourself to other people. Believe in yourself, have faith in your abilities, be humble with a reasonable confidence in your God given powers and you cannot help but be successful and happy.

Random Reflections

• Self-confidence is the first requisite to understanding.

• A strong confident and positive attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.

• By changing the inner attitude of your mind, you can change the outer aspect of your life.

• When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look, you most likely turned your back on the world.

“Celubrious” a celebration of life has a long way to go to be a best seller. So buy a book for you and one for a friend from your local book store, on-line or directly from me. It is now available personally autographed with free delivery for only $15.00 by calling me ASAP at 330-718-6654 as operators are standing by.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Living Loving and Learning

Web site for my book "Celubrious" a celebration of life is
be sure and drop the menu titled odds and ends and then click on puppy talk.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Upcomming book signing and sales events.

Check out events on face book or my web site for book signing events in Ohio.

Even if you can’t make, you are invited to attend an upcoming book signing by yours truly. Give the gift that keeps on giving by sharing my book “Celubrious” a celebration of life. Meet me at the Ursuline Catholic Center, Canfield Ohio on Sat the 14th from 9-2 or JMJ Spiritual Books in Youngstown Ohio on the 21st of Aug from 11- 2pm. I would love for you to come and show your support and be a part of these big events! We hope to see you there! For more information, please email author Dennis Martin Can’t make the event?  Then visit Dennis's Web site

A celebration of life page for next book.

We would love to have your help with ideas, suggestions on each page as it is developed. Tell me what you think, is it effective, does it hit home with you or someone you may know? Does the text express the quote and do the random reflections deal with the text?  When suggested changes are used  I will credit the person when the next book is published. We are always looking for endorsers of the messages to be a part of the next publication.  Below is a sample page for you enjoyment and comment.

“You live longer once you realize that any time spent being
unhappy is wasted.”
--Ruth E. Renkle

After marriage there may be times when you may feel your relationship is humdrum, sad and what you perceive to be unhappy. Once you realize that dwelling and pouting on the unhappy times is time wasted, you are on the way to living a longer and happier life. Even if you believe that “Marriages are made in heaven” it is essential to its success that you develop patience and understanding, and that your faith be strong and especially that you expand your lines of communication. If you cannot change your mind you cannot alter anything in life and love becomes stagnant. Happiness in marriage comes with change and change is not possible without communicating. Did you know the four most intimidating words in a couple’s vocabulary are, “We need to talk”? Continued interaction will help you through sorrowful times and when you communicate your affections with your loved ones and begin to perceive their needs of love you will be surprised at what happens. When life seems humdrum you need to develop a stronger attitude of trust and hope. Remember that love is an act of endless forgiveness and adjustment.

Random Reflections

• When you share your joy it is doubled---share your sorrow and it is halved.
• Forgiveness is almost a selfish act because of its immense benefits to the one who forgives.
• Learn to prioritize to become successful and happy in life.
• It really doesn’t matter if the person who hurt you deserves to be forgiven. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. You have things to do and you need to move on. 

My first book “Celubrious” a celebration of life has a long way to go to be a best seller. So buy a book for you and one for a friend from your local book store, on-line or directly from me. It is now available personally autographed with free delivery for only $15.00 by calling me ASAP at 330-718-6654 as operators are standing by.
”CELUBRIOUS” a celebration of life can be read one or two pages per day or once a week. The messages provide readers daily motivation and inspiration to learn from past and present experiences and recognize that every day can be the best day of a reader’s life. The book is a great read and makes for a wonderful gift idea. If not in stock your local book store will order it for you.