Book Signing

Book Signing
San Antonio

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

GET ”Celubrious”  autographed with free delivery one paperback and one hardback for only $25.00 by calling me ASAP at 330-718-6654 as operators are standing by.

“We are all born for love. It is the principle of existence, and its only end.”
--Benjamin Disraeli
The best-kept secret on earth is simply this: Love is a choice.  It does not just drop out of the clouds and hit you on the head and instantly you are in love. After giving yourself a self- examination from the following guidelines and tips about happiness and love, your prescription should then read “Use daily or as required.” (1) Live in each and every unfolding moment of your day and don’t worry about the future but concentrate on the "NOW", (2) Recognize that happiness and love are both in the present moment, not in the past, (3) Make happiness and love the top priorities in your life and let go of those judgments that have developed into walls of unhappiness, (4) Be grateful, share your true feelings and do away with the masks and role-playing, and (5) Open up yourself for love…which is largely the art of communication and persistence. These are true building blocks and materials required for happiness. The great Physician would prescribe persistence above all and that your job with your spouse and your children is keeping your hearts directed towards “YOUR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER” not tomorrow but today.
Random Reflections
·         Only when you experience love will you truly realize what loosing it would mean.
·         Try to remember that each moment is a place you've never been.   
·         Love doesn’t just sit there like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new. “Ursula K. LeGuin”  
·         Examine your love list today because “One of these days is none of these days”, and “But is a fence over which few leap?”

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