“As that
image of the life you long for begins to emerge simply
plan the steps that will set
you on the path toward it.”
--Thomas kinkade
If you have faith that dreams can come true and if you
believe anything in life is possible; you have to begin each day’s journey by saying
“NO” to the voice that says you don’t
have time for the best things in life and say “NO” to the things you know do nothing but complicate your life. So
how do you get started in reducing you worries, fears, complications and the
painful bumps in the every-day journey of life? Start with getting overly
excited with the little pleasures and simple things in life and work on that
attitude of gratitude and thankfulness. Know that you can trust in your Lord; and
you can turn your problems over to Him. And guess what? With doing this you have taken the proper
steps to moving on with and enjoying life. Your lack of belief and hope along
with pessimism and sadness often obscures your ability to see His work and
plan. But He promises to open your eyes as to how He’s using you even during
hard times. Since learning this truth I have come to believe in the power of
smiles, hugs, kind words, truth, justice, peace, dreams, imagination, mankind,
and making angels in the snow. It’s a start, try it!
Thoughts to Ponder
Keep praying, but be thankful that His answers are wiser than your
· Everything is okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.
· Be the kind of person that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the
devil says, "Oh crap, he’s up!"
I’ve never been poor, only broke.
Being poor, is just a frame of mind.
Being broke is a temporary situation.
“Celubrious” a celebration of life 2nd edition,
a gift for a friend that keeps on giving.
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